Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Luke and Kylo Ren in "The Last Jedi"

Now this blog post will contain major spoiler's for "The Last Jedi", so if you have not seen the movie, and don't want to be spoiled then turn away now.
Or if you are a spoiler junky like me, then by all means keep on reading.
One of the lines that I think is very important to have in mind while watching "The Last Jedi" is the line that Obi Wan said to Luke in "Return of the Jedi". Which is "What I told you was true, from a certain point of view."
Because that one line is a big theme/part of this movie. In "The Last Jedi" the most important "points of view" we learn about are Rey's, Luke's, and Kylo's. Maybe in another blog I'll talk about Rey's point of view, but for now I am going to be talking about Luke and Kylo's "points of view".
These two character's are probably the most two important character's in this movie, they are at least to me the most interesting and well-rounded character's in the whole movie.
The part of the movie I want to talk about is Ben Solo's and Luke's past.
We learn from Kylo (and remember this is from his "point of view") that Luke tried to kill him in his sleep, because Luke thought Ben had grown too powerful.
Now I know what you maybe thinking, "But when we learned this Kylo was talking to Rey, and he was just trying to manipulate her so that she would join him, and so that she wouldn't trust Luke."
And while I somewhat agree with that statement, I do believe that this is how Kylo thinks it went. Because while Kylo is telling this to Rey we get a flashback of what he is talking about.
And what we see is a very creepy looking Luke Skywalker about to kill his nephew in his sleep, until Ben wakes up and fights back.
This scene that we see is how Kylo remember's this event, I believe. 
So from Kylo's "point of view" he is totally justified for all of his actions. Kylo, I believe see's himself as the victim/hero while he see's Luke as the villain.
In Kylo Ren's "point of view" he is the misunderstood hero, while his uncle Luke is the villain, because he was going to kill him, because he was too powerful.
Now onto Luke's "point of view". When Rey questions Luke about this he tells her his side of the story.
Luke said that he had seen the darkness growing inside of Ben Solo. So one night he used the Force to see what was going on inside Ben's head. Luke says that he saw that Snoke had already corrupted Ben Solo and that he was already lost. Luke does activate his lightsaber to kill Ben, because he doesn't want there to be another Darth Vader. Luke says however that as soon as he thought that he immediately regretted it. Ben then wakes up to find his uncle standing over him with his lightsaber on. Luke says "and I was left with shame and with consequence. And the last thing I saw were the eyes of the frightened boy who's master had failed him"
In this moment I think Luke saw his nephew for who he was, a scared kid.
From Luke's "point of view", even though he regretted it, he saw his nephew as a lost cause, and that he couldn't be redeemed.
Now I don't know if this would have worked, but I wonder if Luke had talked to Ben, and told him that he knew about Snoke, and about Ben's darkside feelings. If Luke could have helped Ben overcome the darkness within himself, or if he could help his nephew find balance within himself.
If Luke had told Ben that everyone has darkness in them, but its our choice if we listen to the darkness or the light in us. I wonder if Ben would have turned to the darkside or if he would have stayed on the light, because he would have known that his uncle was there for him, loved him, and believed in him.
Now I'm not trying to make it sound like this is all Luke's fault, because he didn't help his nephew. It is Luke's fault, I mean even Force-ghost Yoda says that Luke failed Ben, but it is also Ben/Kylo's fault.
I know that Ben was being groomed/manipulated by Snoke since he was in the womb, but it was still Ben's choice to choose the darkside over the light.
Basically Luke and Ben are both to blame for Ben becoming Kylo Ren, but ironically enough they both blame the same person, Luke.
Like I said early I believe from Kylo's "point of view" he see's himself as the victim/misunderstood hero. He isn't taking responsibility for his own actions. He is just blaming Luke.
I am very interested to see what happens to Kylo in episode nine, I honestly have no idea where they are taking this character. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Beauty and the Beast 1991 VS Beauty and the Beast 2017

Instead of this being a normal review, I'm going to be comparing the two films. I'm going to see if the 2017 version of "Beauty and the Beast" can hold a candle to the original. I'm not going to be doing every scene though, most of the the scenes I will be talking about will be the musical numbers.
The opening scene in the 2017 version is different then the 1991 version. Instead of telling us the Beasts........The Princes's............(seriously they "fixed" other things in the 2017 version, but they still don't give the Beast a name?!?) anyways no beautiful stained glass window, in the 2017 version.
In the 2017 version the narrator is telling us the Beasts backstory, while we see the Beast........ok I'm just going to call the Beast by the actor's name, we see Dan Stevens throwing a big party.
You know the story, old lady wants in, Dan Stevens says no, he gets turned into a Beast.
Now I have watched a lot of reviews on the 2017 version, and most people say that they hate this opening.
How do I feel about it........I mean I don't hate it, but I don't love it. It does its job, and it does a fine job at it. But this scene does not hold a candle to the 1991 version.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                             2017 Beauty and the Beast
1 point                                                                                                                                           0 points
The next scene, is the musical number "Belle". Ok this one is easy, the 1991 version is 100 times better then the 2017 version. Honestly while watching the 2017 version, I feel like some of the townspeople who are singing about how weird Belle is, only look mildly interested. I have a hard time believing that they think she is weird. I know I'm not the only one with this problem, since I have heard other reviewers say the same things.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                            2017 Beauty and the Beast  2 points                                                                                                                                        0 points
Also just to get this out of the way, Emma Watson is no Paige O'hara. I think they should have dubbed Emma's singing, but she isn't horrible, I can stand her singing.
While I'm talking about Emma Watson, I find it very sad that the 1991 version of Belle, who is a cartoon, has more spirit, facial expressions, character, and just down right more lively then Emma Watson.............who is a living, breathing person.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                             2017 Beauty and the Beast
5 points                                                                                                                                         0 points
Onto the next musical number "Gaston"! I love both of these versions of the song! Both the 1991 version and the 2017 version of Gaston and LeFou are hilarious in this scene. In both versions we get to see how puffed up Gaston is. Both versions, in my opinion, do a great job at making you laugh.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                            2017 Beauty and the Beast
6 points                                                                                                                                          1 point
The next musical number is "Be our Guest". And like "Gaston" I love both versions of this scene. They both have the same fun energy, and they both make me want to stay at Dan/Beasts castle, just so that I would get this song sung to me.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                            2017 Beauty and the Beast
7 points                                                                                                                                         2 points
"Something There" I also love both versions of this scene! Both of the versions of this scene are extremely cute, sweet, and romantic. I love how in both versions, you see Belle and Dan/Beast bonding over books, and you see Belle helping the Beast.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                             2017 Beauty and the Beast
8 points                                                                                                                                         3 points
The new songs that were added to the 2017 version of "Beauty and the Beast" are all very good. But my two personal favorite are "Days in the Sun" and "Evermore". Both songs are extremely beautiful, and fit into the story so well.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                             2017 Beauty and the Beast
8 points                                                                                                                                         5 points
Ok now onto the title song "Beauty and the Beast". Yeah the 2017 version sucks and the 1991 version is the best thing that ever happened to animation. Now I am not talking about Emma Thompson's rendition of the song, the singing is beautiful and on point, and I would say that Emma Thompson's version is just as good as the original version.
When I say the 2017 version of "Beauty and the Beast" is bad, I'm talking about the scene and the dance itself. When I am watching Belle and Dan Stevens dance, I don't feel anything. I don't feel the hope, love, joy, innocents, sweetness, beauty, and romance that the 1991 version was able to capture.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                            2017 Beauty and Beast        10 points                                                                                                                                 6 points
The kiss scene. This scene in the 2017 version has bothered me since I have seen the film. The kiss that Emma Watson and Dan Stevens share is so passionateless, dull, and boring, that I feel like they are kissing cardboard. Now I'm not asking for a make out session, I mean this is a family film, but compare the 2017 kiss to the 1991 kiss. The 1991 kiss scene is romantic, sweet, and passionate, I mean in the 1991 cartoon version their kiss literally makes a firework!
( https://www.instagram.com/emmawatson_belle/?hl=en)
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                             2017 Beauty and the Beast
11 points                                                                                                                                       6 points
So the obvious winner is the 1991 "Beauty and the Beast". I will say this though, check out the 2017 "Beauty and the Beast", it may fail on some parts, but most of the performances are very good, and you can tell that the actors are having a blast with their parts.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Sherlock Season 4 Episode 3 "The Final Problem"

The episode starts off with a little girl waking up on a plane, and everyone else is knocked out. A phone starts ringing and the girl answers and then this happens.
We then see Mycroft watching an old movie. While he is watching it however, scene's from home video's start playing instead. Then on the screen it says "I'm back." Then really crazy stuff starts happening like paintings bleeding out of their eyes.
Mycroft also starts being chased around his house by a creepy girl and a creepy clown.
Mycroft's umbrella/sword/gun is awesome.
However it feels out of place. I feel like it would be in a Doctor Who episode or in a James Bond film.
Anyways all of this was done by Sherlock.
Remember how John was shot in the last episode? No need to worry, Euros just knocked him out! To me this just seems like a cheap cop out, like they could have had Euros shoot him in the shoulder or the arm.
John tells Mycroft that scaring him was his idea.
Then John tells him to come to Baker Street the next day.
The next day, Mycroft starts telling Sherlock and John about Euros. Basically Mycroft says that she was incredibly smart. She also drowned Sherlock dog Redbeard, which traumatized Sherlock so much, he erased her from his memory. Also she burnt down their house........yeah weird kid. So she was sent away to Sherrinford. A prison for dangerous and crazy people.
While they are talking a drone flies in with a motion censor grenade on it, sent by Euros. No I am not kidding. Anyways they all survive, but not before we get to see a really bad CGI explosion, that is so painful to look at. So painful.
Sherlock, Mycroft and John break into Sherrinford. Mycroft and John talk to the Governor, the man in charge of Sherrinford. While they are talking with him we discover that Euros can "reprogram" people after talking to them for like five seconds, because she is just so smart.........so she has like super powers or she can use the Jedi mind trick? Ok I find that hard to believe, but moving on.
John realizes that the Governor has been reprogrammed by Euros. Then the Governor has Mycroft and John captured.
Meanwhile Sherlock has broken into Euros's cell and is talking to her. He tells Euros he doesn't remember her.
( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/tv/0/eurus-sherrinford-everything-need-know-sherlocks-brothers-sisters/amp/)
While they are talking Euros says some pretty disturbing stuff.
Euros then tells Sherlock to come closer and touch the glass between them. Only there is no glass.
Ok, how does Sherlock not notice that there is no glass? This is the man who notices everything! Is he just focusing so much on what she is saying?
Then after this we get a scene of Moriarty landing in a helicopter outside of Sherrinford. Of course it isn't until two minutes into the scene that we learn this is a flashback that happened five years ago on Christmas day.
Euros is so smart, Mycroft has been using her to predict when terrorist attacks are going to happen. However she doesn't do it for free, she wants presents. When this flashback is taking place she asked for five minutes alone with James Moriarty. So this is where he filmed all the clips for her that she uses throughout the episode. This is also where they planned this whole game to test Sherlock. They did all of that in five minutes...........I also find that hard to believe.
I never thought I would say this, but Moriarty is underwhelming in this episode. Which is something Moriarty should never be!
I did like it however when Moriarty and Euros first meet. Their reflections in the glass makes it look like they are becoming one, and their body movements remind me of snakes.
(  https://www.instagram.com/p/BPUPGq4Ah9N/)
We then cut back to present day. Euros has trapped Sherlock, John,  Mycroft, and the Governor in her cell, with the glass back on. Euros tells them that either John or Mycroft has to shoot the Governor, and if they don't then she will kill the Governor's wife.
I liked it that Mycroft refused to kill the Governor. It made him more human and relatable.
I was wondering if they were going to have John murder an innocent man. I'm glad he didn't, but I also liked it that they kept you guessing.
Since neither of them can kill him, the Governor kills himself, trying to save his wife. However since neither John or Mycroft killed him, Euros still kills his wife. 
Euros then opens a door and tells them to go to the next room. The next problem for Sherlock to solve is which brother, out of 3 of them, killed someone. To raise the stacks Euros has them dangling outside the window.
Sherlock figures out which one is the killer, and Euros kills the 2 innocent ones before she kills the guilty one.
Euros killing the two innocent brothers actually shocked me. I remember when I first watched this episode my mouth dropped open in shock. She also does end up killing the guilty one. However she says that killing the innocent didn't feel any different then killing the guilty. Euros is so messed up. Sain Brooke who played Euros does an incredibly good job at playing this character.
In the next room the gang finds a coffin. Euros wants them to figure out who's coffin it is. Sherlock starts deducing the coffin, but before he can get to far into his deductions, Mycroft goes over to the lid of the coffin, to see who's name is on the plate.
On the plate is written "I love you" When Sherlock see's that he knows right away that this is Molly Hooper's coffin. Euros says that she will blow up Molly's flat unless Sherlock can get Molly to say "I love you." Euros calls Molly on Sherlock's cellphone. He has three minutes to get her to say "I love you." However he can not tell her that she is under threat or Euros will kill her.
The first time Euros calls Molly she doesn't answer.
Euros then try's again, and Molly answers. To summarize, Sherlock  tells Molly to say "I love you", Molly says she can't because it is actually true. She then tells Sherlock to say it.
After Sherlock gets Molly to say it, with seconds to spare; he tells Euros that he won. Euros tells Sherlock that she wasn't going to kill Molly. She tells him that he lost, because he showed his emotions.
Sherlock having to make Molly say "I love you" to him, was a heartbreaking scene. Benedict Cumberbatch and Louise Brealey were amazing and had great chemistry as always. Wish we could have had more scenes with these characters together. Sherlock saying "I love you" twice is interesting. It does seem like he meant it, (or maybe he thought the first one didn't sound convincing enough, and Molly had told him to "say it, like he meant it"), the writers left it ambiguous on purpose, so that we the audience could imagine/decide what happened. I think he did mean it, whether it be romantic, friendship or familial, I don't know.
Euros tells them to go to the next room when they are ready. Sherlock puts the lid on the coffin, and then he starts destroying it.
Sherlock destroying Molly's coffin is fantastic! The frustration, hurt, and anger Cumberbatch put into it is great! I don't think Sherlock destroyed the coffin just because he had hurt Molly again, or even that he made himself vulnerable. I think it is all of that, but he also just failed to save five people from dying. Molly however was his breaking point.
In the next room Sherlock has to choose to either kill John or Mycroft. Mycroft starts saying how Sherlock doesn't need John, and how he would be more help to Sherlock. Sherlock knows that Mycroft is just trying to make it easy for him to kill his brother.
Sherlock decides instead of killing his brother, he will kill himself.
Euros starts freaking out, so she knocks them all out.
Sherlock wakes up at his old childhood home, and John wakes up chained to the bottom of a well. Mycroft is not there.
John and Sherlock still have the earpieces in, so they are still able to communicate.
John finds bones at the bottom of the well. Sherlock tells him that they are Redbeard's bones. John then explains to Sherlock that they are not dog bones, but the bones of a child.
Euros tells Sherlock that they didn't have a dog. Sherlock then remember's his best friend.
Redbeard being Sherlock's best friend, who his crazy sister murdered, was an interesting twist. A good one? I'm not sure, but interesting none the less. I loved it though when Sherlock actually remembered what happened. He was reliving it. Mourning his best friend all over again, with tears streaming down his face.
The well that John is stuck in starts to fill with water. Before Sherlock can save him though, he has to figure out Euros's last problem. Which he does.
Sherlock goes up to Euros's old room and finds her there in her mind palace. Remember that girl on the plane? Yeah that was Euros in her mind palace. 
All she wanted was her brother.
( https://www.instagram.com/p/BPaw9UohK1v/)
Euros being the little girl on the plane as her mind palace was stupid, and didn't make sense. She goes from being this creepy threat when her eyes are open, but when she closes her eyes she is a scared lonely girl, who wants her big brother to save her. Even though Sherlock comforting Euros is a touching scene, its still weird.
Oh, and don't worry about John, Sherlock is able to get him out of the well.
Euros is back at Sherrinford, but she is no longer talking. We see Sherlock visiting her on a regular basis. He plays the violin to her. She eventually starts playing back. This is a really beautiful scene. Even though they can't communicate through words they can still communicate through music.
We see a very forgiving/compassionate Sherlock, he is so nice to his sister. Though I don't know why we should feel sorry for Euros, since we just saw her kill five people, without batting an eye. Also I'm not going to feel sorry for someone who murdered a child! Because she was jealous, that like all big brothers, Sherlock would rather play with his best friend, then with his little sister!
I wish we could have seen a scene of Sherlock and Molly talking about the "I love you", but at the end of the episode during the montage, we see her walk happily over to where Sherlock's chair is.
So, I assume she is walking toward Sherlock. At least we know they made up. whether they became a couple or they are still just friends.
Seeing John and Sherlock with baby Rosie is adorable.
Mary sends John yet another DVD, seriously when did she make these and how she is sending them from beyond the grave? Her monologue is nice and sweet, but unnecessary.
They could have easily replaced Mary with John, writing a blog entry. Since John is the narrator of Sherlock's life.
Then we see our heroes Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson running in all of their slow motion glory.
The show leaves it so that if this is the last episode it is tied up, but they don't end it so that we could never revisit these character's again. Sherlock could end here and be a decent show, or we could get more episodes in the future. I don't see the show going back to its former glory from the first two seasons. So I hope this is the end of Sherlock.
I give "The Final Problem." 4/10, because it is hard to believe that anything in this episode actually happened.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sherlock Season 4 Episode 2 "The Lying Detective"

Since Mary's death John has started to go to therapy. We see that even though Mary is dead, John still talks to her, and see's her in his mind's eye.
Now the writer's doing this could have been bad, but the way they use Mary is great! Since she is in John's mind everything she says and does is what John is really thinking. I feel like she is used just the right amount in this episode, and she doesn't outstay her welcome.
We then met our villain of this episode Culverton Smith. We see that Culverton has this drug called TD 12 that makes people lose their memories. He tells his friends and his daughter that he is going to kill someone.
After this his daughter, Faith, tries to write down what her father told them before the drug fully kicks in. Her father finds her and tries to take the note from her.
It has now been three years since her father told her he wanted to kill someone. Faith is now at Baker Street trying to get Sherlock to help her. She has given him the note that has the information she can remember.
Sherlock is looking worn down after Mary's death. Sherlock is also heavily back on drugs.
When Faith is leaving, Sherlock realizes that she means to kill herself, and rushes after her to stop her. Sherlock then asks Faith to go get chips with him.
While they are eating their chips Sherlock starts to deduce the note she brought him.
Faith and Sherlock walk around all night. In the morning Sherlock gets the gun from Faith and throws it in the river. Then Sherlock says one of his best lines ever.
Then after he says this the drugs in his body start to mess with him. When he comes to, Faith is no where to be seen.
Sherlock then figures out that Culverton Smith is a serial killer.
Mrs. Hudson kidnapping Sherlock and throwing him in the boot of her sports car is literally the best thing ever.
It is so nice to have a competent villain again. Culverton is a fantastic villain! He is smart, creepy, and devious.
Sherlock tries to convince John that Culverton is a serial killer. John does not believe Sherlock's claims.
John then tells Sherlock that he wants Molly Hooper to examine him. Apparently Sherlock knew this so he let Molly know two weeks in advance.
When they arrive where they are going to meet Culverton, Molly reveals that Sherlock is basically at death's door.
Culverton comes out to greet Sherlock and John and then takes them inside where he is filming a commercial about being a cereal killer. Good job Moffat and Gatiss you actually made a joke without forcing it.
Culverton then takes Sherlock and John to his hospital. He takes them to his favorite room in the whole hospital.........the morgue...........yeah this guy is creepy.
Culverton tells them that his favorite serial killer is H. H. Holmes. If you don't know who that is, he was the man who built the murder hotel. While his hotel was under construction he would fire the builders and hire new ones, so no one would know about his killing rooms, and secret passage ways.
While they are in the morgue Faith, Culverton's daughter, arrives because Sherlock stole Culverton's phone and texted her. Expect when she walks in, it is not the same person Sherlock met.
Now it seems that Sherlock had lost his mind and imaged the whole thing.
Sherlock then really loses it and tries to attack Culverton with a scalpel. John gets the scalpel out of Sherlock's hand, then proceeds to beat Sherlock up.
Culverton is letting Sherlock stay in his hospital. John visits and leaves his old cane for Sherlock.
After John leaves Culverton enter's Sherlock's room through a secret passage way. What H. H. Holmes did with his hotel, Culverton did the same thing when he built his hospital.
Mycroft has John brought to Baker Street. While there John finds the DVD Mary made for Sherlock. Apparently when we saw it in the last episode we did not see the whole thing. Mary tells Sherlock in the video, that the only way he can save John is if he puts himself in danger, so that John has to save him. John after watching this takes Mrs. Hudson's car and rushes to the hospital.
Sherlock wakes up to find Culverton sitting next to his bed. Culverton then tries to kill Sherlock by suffocating him.
While Culverton is trying to kill Sherlock, John breaks through the door, and saves Sherlock.
Sherlock then reveals that he had put a recorder in John's cane. So he got Culverton's whole confession on tape.
Back at Baker Street, we see that John is babysitting Sherlock to make sure he stays off drugs. John gets up to leave since Molly will be arriving soon. As he gets up to leave he hears Irene Adler's ringtone go off on Sherlock's phone.
John then goes on a rant about how Sherlock needs to be in a romantic relationship, to make him be a better person.
Of course during this scene, all I can think of is, "Really John? You want your best friend, your family, to be in a romantic relationship with a criminal?" I also think, "You know who else makes Sherlock a better person? You, John Watson, and Molly, Mrs. Hudson, Mycroft, Lestrade, and Mary! Irene Adler does NOT make Sherlock a better person!"
Sherlock does not need a romantic relationship to make him a better man. The family he has made for himself does that already.
John then starts talking to Mary and apologizes for cheating on her.
Then John starts crying, so Sherlock comforts John by giving him a hug.
Sherlock finally shaves and everything goes back to normal. Until Sherlock finds the note "Faith" brought him. On the note in invisible ink is written "Miss Me?"
John is back talking to his therapist, when his therapist reveals that she was the woman on the bus that John had an emotional affair with, and she is also fake Faith. She also tells John that she is Sherlock's secret sister!
( https://www.instagram.com/p/BPX7hTVBoPc/)
Then she shoots John and the credits roll.
Before I wrap up my review here are just some lines and moments that I really liked from this episode.
This episode............is like watching the old Sherlock again!
Its this episode where I feel like I'm meeting up with my old friends, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman really shine in this episode! Also Toby Jones who played Culverton Smith was amazing! He was fantastic as the villain!
I was actually surprised by how good this episode was, considering that the second episodes of Sherlock are usually much weaker, then the first and the third ones.
This was a great episode, definitely one of my favorite Sherlock episodes. This episode was Sherlock going back to how it use to be, which was a great show!
Now I do have some problems with this episode, but they are so small, that they aren't worth mentioning.
I give "The Lying Detective" 9/10