Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sherlock Season 3 Episode 3 "His Last Vow"

This review is going to be random so just bare with me. This episode is the best one of season 3, and for some reason I am having a really hard time trying to write a review for it. So instead of basically telling you everything that happened in the episode, I'm just going to touch on the parts that I liked and what I enjoyed about this episode. 
First off Martin Freeman is the king of this episode. He is on fire, he has the best one liners, and he is such a joy to watch. 
He is one of the funniest character's in this episode, but he also has some of the most saddest scenes in this episode, and Martin does a fantastic job in these scenes.
Martin also has some of the most heartwarming scenes.
Basically Martin Freeman is awesome in this episode.
Now on to Benedict Cumberbatch who has found his way back into my good graces in this episode. He, like Martin, has a lot of funny moments in this episode.
This one is my favorite.

He also has some rather sad scenes.
Benedict also does an amazing job in the mind palace scene, please give him all the awards for this scene.

I also love it that I hate the villain in this episode. We finally get a good strong villain in the last episode. Magnussen, a creepy newspaper owner, and blackmailer. He makes my skin crawl, he is so gross and disgusting, because he licks peoples faces and uses  fireplaces as a toilet. 
I also like it that the writers make you think that Magnussen's glasses are a screen and he is able to get information about people from the glasses.
However it is revealed later on that like Sherlock, Magnussen has a mind palace, and he stores all of the information he has on people in his mind.
It is also teased, at the end of the episode that the fabulous Moriarty is still alive.
Yes, yes I did miss you Moriarty.
This is the best episode of the season and I definitely recommend watching it. I give "His Last Vow" 8/10.