Saturday, November 18, 2017

Beauty and the Beast 1991 VS Beauty and the Beast 2017

Instead of this being a normal review, I'm going to be comparing the two films. I'm going to see if the 2017 version of "Beauty and the Beast" can hold a candle to the original. I'm not going to be doing every scene though, most of the the scenes I will be talking about will be the musical numbers.
The opening scene in the 2017 version is different then the 1991 version. Instead of telling us the Beasts........The Princes's............(seriously they "fixed" other things in the 2017 version, but they still don't give the Beast a name?!?) anyways no beautiful stained glass window, in the 2017 version.
In the 2017 version the narrator is telling us the Beasts backstory, while we see the Beast........ok I'm just going to call the Beast by the actor's name, we see Dan Stevens throwing a big party.
You know the story, old lady wants in, Dan Stevens says no, he gets turned into a Beast.
Now I have watched a lot of reviews on the 2017 version, and most people say that they hate this opening.
How do I feel about it........I mean I don't hate it, but I don't love it. It does its job, and it does a fine job at it. But this scene does not hold a candle to the 1991 version.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                             2017 Beauty and the Beast
1 point                                                                                                                                           0 points
The next scene, is the musical number "Belle". Ok this one is easy, the 1991 version is 100 times better then the 2017 version. Honestly while watching the 2017 version, I feel like some of the townspeople who are singing about how weird Belle is, only look mildly interested. I have a hard time believing that they think she is weird. I know I'm not the only one with this problem, since I have heard other reviewers say the same things.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                            2017 Beauty and the Beast  2 points                                                                                                                                        0 points
Also just to get this out of the way, Emma Watson is no Paige O'hara. I think they should have dubbed Emma's singing, but she isn't horrible, I can stand her singing.
While I'm talking about Emma Watson, I find it very sad that the 1991 version of Belle, who is a cartoon, has more spirit, facial expressions, character, and just down right more lively then Emma Watson.............who is a living, breathing person.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                             2017 Beauty and the Beast
5 points                                                                                                                                         0 points
Onto the next musical number "Gaston"! I love both of these versions of the song! Both the 1991 version and the 2017 version of Gaston and LeFou are hilarious in this scene. In both versions we get to see how puffed up Gaston is. Both versions, in my opinion, do a great job at making you laugh.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                            2017 Beauty and the Beast
6 points                                                                                                                                          1 point
The next musical number is "Be our Guest". And like "Gaston" I love both versions of this scene. They both have the same fun energy, and they both make me want to stay at Dan/Beasts castle, just so that I would get this song sung to me.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                            2017 Beauty and the Beast
7 points                                                                                                                                         2 points
"Something There" I also love both versions of this scene! Both of the versions of this scene are extremely cute, sweet, and romantic. I love how in both versions, you see Belle and Dan/Beast bonding over books, and you see Belle helping the Beast.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                             2017 Beauty and the Beast
8 points                                                                                                                                         3 points
The new songs that were added to the 2017 version of "Beauty and the Beast" are all very good. But my two personal favorite are "Days in the Sun" and "Evermore". Both songs are extremely beautiful, and fit into the story so well.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                             2017 Beauty and the Beast
8 points                                                                                                                                         5 points
Ok now onto the title song "Beauty and the Beast". Yeah the 2017 version sucks and the 1991 version is the best thing that ever happened to animation. Now I am not talking about Emma Thompson's rendition of the song, the singing is beautiful and on point, and I would say that Emma Thompson's version is just as good as the original version.
When I say the 2017 version of "Beauty and the Beast" is bad, I'm talking about the scene and the dance itself. When I am watching Belle and Dan Stevens dance, I don't feel anything. I don't feel the hope, love, joy, innocents, sweetness, beauty, and romance that the 1991 version was able to capture.
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                            2017 Beauty and Beast        10 points                                                                                                                                 6 points
The kiss scene. This scene in the 2017 version has bothered me since I have seen the film. The kiss that Emma Watson and Dan Stevens share is so passionateless, dull, and boring, that I feel like they are kissing cardboard. Now I'm not asking for a make out session, I mean this is a family film, but compare the 2017 kiss to the 1991 kiss. The 1991 kiss scene is romantic, sweet, and passionate, I mean in the 1991 cartoon version their kiss literally makes a firework!
1991 Beauty and the Beast                                                                             2017 Beauty and the Beast
11 points                                                                                                                                       6 points
So the obvious winner is the 1991 "Beauty and the Beast". I will say this though, check out the 2017 "Beauty and the Beast", it may fail on some parts, but most of the performances are very good, and you can tell that the actors are having a blast with their parts.