Wednesday, December 7, 2016

BBC Sherlock episode 1 season 1 A Study in Pink Review

                                     BBC Sherlock is based off of the many stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In this show, instead of Sherlock Holmes being set in the 1800's the show is set in our own time period. Which was a bold move to make, since no one had ever done that before.
What can I say about this show that hasn't already been said. It is a great show. The writers, the actors, and the camera work, everything is great.
Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have amazing chemistry and were perfect choices for these roles.
Martin Freeman as John Watson is gold! All of his line delivery's and facial expressions are so entertaining to watch.
My favorite scene of John's in this episode, is one that I feel like is overlooked and not appreciated. 
Its the scene after John wakes up from his war nightmare. Its of John sitting on his bed, and us the viewers getting a side shot of him and his empty flat.
When I see this scene, I feel what John has been feeling since he came back from the war, which is bored. The creator's in that small moment show us that John's life is empty and dull, but that is about to change.
This scene is such a wonderful set up for the adventure that John and the viewers are about to go on.
(Photo from

Benedict Cumberbatch's performance as Sherlock Holmes is amazing. Sherlock is such an annoying character. I love this character, but I know that if I knew him in real life, he would drive me insane! But there is something about Cumberbatch's performance that is charming. He makes an unlikable character likable.
I also like how they make Sherlock care only about the case, and not about the people the crime touches. Later on in the episode it is revealed that Sherlock was a drug addict in the past. So now instead of being addicted to drugs he is addicted to his work.
Sherlock wants to prove that he is the best by solving these cases. His catchphrase, "The game is on", reveals a lot about his character. To Sherlock this is a game, a game he can win to make him feel better about himself.
The scene where Sherlock and John met, and where Sherlock deduces John is brilliant! Because, like John we are all wondering how Sherlock knew about all those things about John.
The cab ride scene is also great because Sherlock explains to John, how he made those deductions. Sherlock makes it seem so obvious and easy. He makes it look like anyone could do it, if they only payed more attention to the details around them.
When Sherlock and John are at the crime scene looking at the body, the writers actually let us see how Sherlock's mind works. While Sherlock is examining the body words are flashing up on the screen showing us his thought process, and how he comes up with his deductions.
(Photo from

The last scene is so simple, but so great. It is of John and Sherlock, walking towards the camera. But you know that a wonderful friendship has just been made, and you can't wait to go on more of their adventures.
(Photo from

All in all I give A Study in Pink a 9/10

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