Monday, January 2, 2017

Sherlock Season 2 Episode 1 A Scandal in Belgravia

Sherlock is one of my favorite shows, I don't think that is a surprise if you have read my other reviews. I only have good things to say about the show.
That being said.....I despise this episode. I feel like this maybe more of a rant then a review.
I hate what the creator's Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss did to Irene Adler. I really enjoyed her in "A Scandal in Bohemia" the book this episode is based off of. Its my favorite Sherlock Holmes story.
Let's get to what I hate about this episode. They destroyed the character of Irene Adler, by making her a lesbian dominatrix, who for some reason falls in love with Sherlock.
In the book she beat Holmes by out-smarting him, because he underestimated her, because she was a woman. In this episode, I feel like she does have the upper hand at some points, but its just because she is sexy. She is still smart, but the creator's focus more on her sex-appeal.
This episode also destroys Sherlock for me, so much so, I pretend this episode never happened. They made Sherlock Holmes into a lovesick puppy, who can't talk just because Irene says that she like's detective's, and detective stories.
Also in the book Sherlock gave Irene the name of The Woman, because he respected her and held her in high esteem, because she beat him. And he was not in love with her.
In this episode The Woman is her professional name as a dominatrix, Moffat and Gatiss even make her title of honor, a sex symbol.
Irene doesn't even out-smart Sherlock in this episode. She fakes her death, because people want to kill her. Sherlock does believe that she is actually dead, but then he finds out she isn't. Near the end of the episode Sherlock does finally unlock her phone, that has contents that the government wants. And if that wasn't enough, Irene gets captured by terrorist, who are going to behead her, but wouldn't you know that Sherlock saves her from that.
Also the sexual-tension in this episode is so heavy, that it makes me feel awkward, and I want to cover my eyes most of the time. Whenever Irene and Sherlock are together I'm afraid they are going to jump on each other and start having sex.
Now sexual-tension in shows or movies is good. It makes the viewers say "Just kiss already!" I get why shows and movies do this. It builds tension between the character's and it leaves the audience in suspense. But what Moffat and Gatiss did is just awkward.
I honestly don't know why I'm suppose to like Irene Adler. I'm not a guy, which is who I believe this character was made for, because all her character is, is sexy, and kinda smart.
The only thing I like about this episode is Molly Hooper. She is the female character I can relate to, not someone like Irene Adler.
Molly only has three scene's in this episode, but these scene's are really the only things I like about this episode.
I'm only going to talk about her most important scene however; which is the Christmas party scene.
The boys are having a Christmas party at Baker Street. Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, and John's current girlfriend are already there when Molly arrives.
She is all dressed up, and making small talk with the rest of the party, when Sherlock starts deducing her. He deduces, that she must have a new boyfriend, because that's why she tried to make herself look good.
He also notes the present at the top of the bag, and how all of the other presents got cramped.
He picks up the present, and reads the tag, and see's that it is for him. Molly standing up for herself tells him that he is always so mean to her. Sherlock without being told to, say's that he is sorry, and he wishes her a "Merry Christmas" then kisses her on the cheek.
I know I have been talking bad about the creator's in this review/rant, but I think no one can explain this scene better then Steven Moffat.
I really do hate this episode, but if you like it good for you. Perhaps I am being too hard on it since it is an adaptation of the book, but in my opinion, which that is all this is my opinion, its a bad adaptation. However I am willing to give this episode a 3/10, because that's how many scene's Molly Hooper has in this episode.

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