Friday, February 3, 2017

Sherlock Season 2 Episode 3 "The Reichenbach Fall"

This episode of Sherlock starts off with a major spoiler! John is going back to therapy because.........Sherlock is dead! Thanks episode for that spoiler!
After the theme song we go back to see how and why Sherlock died. We see Sherlock solving more high profile cases, making Sherlock a celebrity.
The fabulous Moriarty returns like Sherlock knew he would. Of course Moriarty loves to make an entrance so he breaks into the Tower of London, a bank, and a prison, all at the same time, by using a key code he has on apps on his phone.
After breaking in to all these places Moriarty goes on trail, but of course gets off free, because he threatened the jury.
This episode even though it is more on the serious side has a lot of moments that just make you laugh, which is good because it lightens the mood.
Also Moriarty will make these movements or facial expressions, that just make me shudder. I also get the feeling that Moriarty is a very slimy person. Great job Andrew Scott, for creeping me out.
After Moriarty is released he goes to Baker Street. Sherlock knowing this makes some tea and plays the violin while waiting for Moriarty to arrive. When Moriarty does arrive they have this fantastic scene, its so simple, but so good. Moriarty is walking up the stairs, Sherlock is still playing the violin. Moriarty takes the next step and it squeaks, Moriarty pauses, Sherlock stops playing, after a moment Sherlock continues playing and Moriarty continues up the stairs. I love this scene! Because you just know that Sherlock could tell it was Moriarty by the squeak in the stairs. The scene also for me at least, carries this heavy overtone, that they are archenemies, that they are equals, and that they both mean business.
During this scene Moriarty tells Sherlock in a riddle that he is going to destroy him.
Andrew Scott and Benedict Cumberbatch have amazing chemistry as these archenemies. I know I have said this before, but Andrew Scott plays an amazing psychopath.
An American ambassador's children have been kidnapped by someone working for Moriarty; from their boarding school. Sherlock is brought onto the case. Sherlock deduces that the boy left a message in linseed, and poured some on the floor, leaving footprints behind. Sherlock gets a sample of the kidnapper's footprint and heads off to Bart's to get help from Molly.
While Molly is helping Sherlock they have a pretty meaningful conversation. 
This scene is a very important scene for Sherlock and Molly's relationship. I believe its here that Sherlock realizes how well Molly knows him. She see's him, and can read him in a way John can't. Also in this conversation Molly tells Sherlock that if he ever needs any help, that she will be there for him.
Cumberbatch and Louise Brealey have amazing chemistry! I wish their character's had more scene's together.
Sherlock just by what he found on the kidnapper's footprint, and with the help of his homeless network is able to find where the boy and girl are being held. After they rescue them, Sherlock goes to talk to the girl, who starts screaming as soon as she see's him. Because of her reaction Donovan and Anderson think Sherlock was the kidnapper.
Lestrade goes to Baker Street and arrests Sherlock for the kidnapping. John not liking this head-butts Lestrade's boss, which then gets John arrested.
Sherlock and John escape and go to Kitty Riley's flat. Kitty was a reporter who earlier on wanted an interview with Sherlock. Sherlock had declined, but she gave him her card saying that he may need her. Now Moriarty hired someone who looked like Sherlock so that the police would think that Sherlock was the kidnapper. Moriarty is destroying Sherlock's name. Sherlock wanting to set things straight is now offering to tell Kitty Riley everything. However before he can start Moriarty himself walks into Kitty's flat. Moriarty is claiming to be someone called Richard Brook an actor that Sherlock hired to take the blame for the crimes Sherlock committed. Moriarty even has evidence that he is Richard Brook, and that Richard Brook is a real person.
Moriarty's plan is so brilliant! To make Sherlock look like a fake so his friends, and people in general start to believe the lie, that Sherlock Holmes is the bad guy, and that Moriarty was just a character Sherlock made-up, and hired an actor to play.
Now Moriarty is so convincing as Richard Brook that I actually start to believe him a little bit.
Moriarty escapes, and Sherlock realizing what is going to happen next goes to talk to Molly alone.
Sherlock goes to Molly who is just closing up the lab for the night and tells her that he needs her.
This scene is a big character development moment for Sherlock. This is Sherlock saying that he needs someone's help, which is not easy for someone like Sherlock to say, I imagine. This is also Sherlock telling Molly and the audience that he does care about Molly, and he does see her as a friend.
After Sherlock's talk with Molly he texts Moriarty to met him up on Bart's roof. Sherlock tells Moriarty that since he has the key code he can destroy Richard Brook and bring back Moriarty. Moriarty tells him that there is no key code, he had people on the inside to break into all of those places.
Moriarty tells Sherlock that he has to commit suicide, to save his three friends; Lestrade, Mrs.Hudson, and John; from snipers. Sherlock realizes though that if he has Moriarty then he can make him call off the snipers. The moment Sherlock realizes this is so great. He starts laughing, gets cocky, Sherlock's theme song place in the background. Like Sherlock we believe that Sherlock has bet Moriarty, that Sherlock doesn't have to die, and that Sherlock can save his friends. They make you think, "Yes the hero has won! In your face Moriarty!" The writers give you hope, and then they take it away. Moriarty knowing that Sherlock is correct shoots himself in the face.
So, now Sherlock had to kill himself to save his friends. Sherlock standing on the edge of the roof, calls John who just arrived outside of Bart's. Sherlock tells John that he is a fake, and that he made up Moriarty. Then he jumps. John's reaction is so heartbreaking. He runs to his friends body, to see if he survived. Martins heartbreaking performance is perfect!
As promised Moriarty's sniper's don't shot his friends.
Next we see John at Sherlock's grave.
You can see the hurt, pain, and sadness on his face and voice. In this scene you can truly see how much John Watson loved his best friend. Please someone give Martin an Oscar for this scene.
After John is done talking to Sherlock's grave we see him walking away, and the camera goes off to the side, and we see Sherlock! Alive and well, watching John walk away from his grave! Then Sherlock walks away, and we get the credits! We are left to wonder how Sherlock survived and why he hasn't told any of his friends he is alive.
This episode is fantastic! I feel like it has a perfect balance between drama, comedy, sadness, and mystery. I give the Reichenbach Fall 10/10

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