Saturday, December 31, 2016

Sherlock Season 1 Episode 3 The Great Game

This is one of the best episodes of Sherlock. The character's in this episode are interesting and at the top of their game. We also finally get to meet Moriarty, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
This episode does something different then the other episodes, instead of just having one case we get to see Sherlock solve many cases. Moriarty is sending Sherlock cases and he gives Sherlock a time limit to solve each one. If Sherlock can't solve the cases, then someone who Moriarty kidnapped, gets blown up.
The threat and danger in this episode is very good and it keeps the audiences attention. You are hoping that Sherlock can be clever enough to solve the cases, and be able to save Moriarty's prisoners. The creator's did a fantastic job at making Moriarty feel like a huge threat.
One scene that I enjoy, because it shows a different side to Sherlock, is when Sherlock and John are at the lab, trying to solve one of the cases Moriarty sent him.
Molly comes in to help and her boyfriend Jim comes in and meets Sherlock and John. This scene is incredibly awkward and funny, because Sherlock deduces that Molly's boyfriend is actually gay.
Sherlock tells this to Molly and is surprised that she is upset. Sherlock tells John that he thought he was being nice by telling this to Molly, but John tells Sherlock the opposite.
 Now Sherlock saying this is interesting, because he usually does not care about people. This scene is just a small glimpse of how much Molly actually means to Sherlock. In his eyes he was being a friend, who was helping one of his friends out.
It is revealed in this story that Sherlock as a child tried solving the murder of another child, named Carl Powers. They also tell the viewers that when Moriarty was a child, he was the one who murdered Carl Powers by poison. It really creeps me out that Moriarty committed his first murder as a child. That alone shows us how messed up Moriarty actually is. I do love though how this shows us that Sherlock and Moriarty have always been connected, and always will be. Also Moriarty is the opposite of Sherlock. Sherlock is a consulting detective, and Moriarty is a consulting criminal. They are perfect parallel's of each other.
We also get to see how horrible of a person Sherlock Holmes is. John asks Sherlock if he cares at all about the people that Moriarty kidnapped, Sherlock tells John that he doesn't care about them, because it won't help him solve the case.
Moriarty kidnaps four people. The first a woman, the second a man, the third an elderly woman, and the fourth a child. This shows us that no one is out of Moriarty's reach, and he will kill anyone, because he is bored, and it is fun.
Now this episode is serious, and has a lot of suspense in it. However the writer's did a great job at giving us a lot of small moments that just make you laugh. They balanced out serious and fun perfectly.
What I really like about this episode is that you are really rooting for Sherlock to defeat this psychopath. "The Great Game" does an amazing job, at making you get behind the hero, you want Sherlock to succeed, you don't want Sherlock to fail.
The end scene is brilliant! Sherlock tells Moriarty to met him at the pool, where Moriarty murdered Carl Powers. When Sherlock arrives, he see's that Moriarty has kidnapped John, and has a bomb strapped to John's chest.
Moriarty then emerges from the shadow's and reveals himself to be Molly's gay boyfriend, Jim. 
Moriarty is start up terrifying and funny all at the same time. Andrew Scott does such a good job at playing this crazy psychopath. His performance as Moriarty really makes you believe that he is insane!
Moriarty is a great villain because as he says himself, he is changeable. You never know what he is going to do next.
The ending is very suspenseful. Moriarty leaves. Sherlock gets the bomb off of John. Then Moriarty comes back again, and tells them that they have to die, so he is going to have his snipers shoot them.
Sherlock, who had a gun with him the whole time, points it at the bomb, threatening to blow them all up. Then it goes to the credits.
I love this ending, because both Moriarty and Sherlock are so unpredictable, you honestly don't know what is going to happen. This is a great finale that makes the viewers excited for the next season. 
All in all I give "The Great Game" 10/10

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

BBC Sherlock episode 2 season 1 The Blind Banker.

This episode is a good one, I enjoyed watching it, but there is not a lot to say about it. So this review is going to be random.
In this episode we are graced to see how good of an actor Sherlock Holmes is. In the books Watson had said that Holmes was a great actor, and could have even been on stage. So this scene of Sherlock acting like a normal person to get what he needs for the case, is a nice nod to the books.
Also props to Benedict Cumberbatch because in this scene he is acting as Sherlock Holmes, who is acting like a normal person.
When Sherlock is deducing Van Coon, one of the victims of The Black Lotus; he deduces that Van Coon is left-handed. The police think that Van Coon, shot himself in the head with his right-hand. Sherlock claims that Van Coon was left-handed. Everything he points out though seems pretty obvious. A lot of the stuff in Van Coon's apartment accommodates someone who is left-handed. I didn't find myself being impressed with Sherlock's deductions, I find myself wondering why the police didn't notice this.
John Watson is probably the best thing about this episode, he gets the most laughs, because he has the best one-liners.
Soo Lin, one of the other victims of The Black Lotus, has a sad back story and a sad ending. She tells Sherlock and John about her hard childhood in China, how she and her brother had to work for The Black Lotus, so that they wouldn't starve. After she escaped that life, she got a good job in England and was happy. After she refuses to help her brother, who is still working for The Black Lotus, he threatens her. When her brother comes to kill her, they share a moment. In that small moment before we hear the gunshot, you feel the heaviness of the situation, and the love they have for each other.
In this episode we also see that Sherlock will use people to get what he wants. Sherlock needs to see two bodies, to make a point to a detective. So Sherlock goes to Molly Hooper who works in the morgue. Now Molly has a huge crush on Sherlock and Sherlock knows this, and he uses it to his advantage. Sherlock asks to see the bodies, but Molly says that the paperwork is already done, so he can't see them. Sherlock not liking this answer flirts with Molly, so she will change her mind. Molly does and shows Sherlock the bodies. 
This scene shows us that Sherlock doesn't care that he used Molly and played with her feelings. Sherlock just cares about the case and not the people he steps on to do so.
One of the only other scenes that stands out to me in this episode is the last one. Its really chilling and a perfect set up for James Moriarty.  It makes me a bit afraid, and it shows the audience that Moriarty is a serious threat.
It shows the leader of The Black Lotus talking to Moriarty on the computer, she can't see him; his words are coming up on the computer screen, but he can see her. She assures Moriarty that Sherlock will not get any information about him from them. Moriarty agree's. Then we see a red dot appear on her forehead. Then the screen goes to black, and we hear a gun shot.
This is a fun episode, but like I said at the beginning there really isn't a lot to say about this episode. Except for a few scenes, nothing about this episode stands out.
All in all I give The Blind Banker 7/10

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

BBC Sherlock episode 1 season 1 A Study in Pink Review

                                     BBC Sherlock is based off of the many stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In this show, instead of Sherlock Holmes being set in the 1800's the show is set in our own time period. Which was a bold move to make, since no one had ever done that before.
What can I say about this show that hasn't already been said. It is a great show. The writers, the actors, and the camera work, everything is great.
Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have amazing chemistry and were perfect choices for these roles.
Martin Freeman as John Watson is gold! All of his line delivery's and facial expressions are so entertaining to watch.
My favorite scene of John's in this episode, is one that I feel like is overlooked and not appreciated. 
Its the scene after John wakes up from his war nightmare. Its of John sitting on his bed, and us the viewers getting a side shot of him and his empty flat.
When I see this scene, I feel what John has been feeling since he came back from the war, which is bored. The creator's in that small moment show us that John's life is empty and dull, but that is about to change.
This scene is such a wonderful set up for the adventure that John and the viewers are about to go on.
(Photo from

Benedict Cumberbatch's performance as Sherlock Holmes is amazing. Sherlock is such an annoying character. I love this character, but I know that if I knew him in real life, he would drive me insane! But there is something about Cumberbatch's performance that is charming. He makes an unlikable character likable.
I also like how they make Sherlock care only about the case, and not about the people the crime touches. Later on in the episode it is revealed that Sherlock was a drug addict in the past. So now instead of being addicted to drugs he is addicted to his work.
Sherlock wants to prove that he is the best by solving these cases. His catchphrase, "The game is on", reveals a lot about his character. To Sherlock this is a game, a game he can win to make him feel better about himself.
The scene where Sherlock and John met, and where Sherlock deduces John is brilliant! Because, like John we are all wondering how Sherlock knew about all those things about John.
The cab ride scene is also great because Sherlock explains to John, how he made those deductions. Sherlock makes it seem so obvious and easy. He makes it look like anyone could do it, if they only payed more attention to the details around them.
When Sherlock and John are at the crime scene looking at the body, the writers actually let us see how Sherlock's mind works. While Sherlock is examining the body words are flashing up on the screen showing us his thought process, and how he comes up with his deductions.
(Photo from

The last scene is so simple, but so great. It is of John and Sherlock, walking towards the camera. But you know that a wonderful friendship has just been made, and you can't wait to go on more of their adventures.
(Photo from

All in all I give A Study in Pink a 9/10