Tuesday, December 13, 2016

BBC Sherlock episode 2 season 1 The Blind Banker.

This episode is a good one, I enjoyed watching it, but there is not a lot to say about it. So this review is going to be random.
In this episode we are graced to see how good of an actor Sherlock Holmes is. In the books Watson had said that Holmes was a great actor, and could have even been on stage. So this scene of Sherlock acting like a normal person to get what he needs for the case, is a nice nod to the books.
Also props to Benedict Cumberbatch because in this scene he is acting as Sherlock Holmes, who is acting like a normal person.
When Sherlock is deducing Van Coon, one of the victims of The Black Lotus; he deduces that Van Coon is left-handed. The police think that Van Coon, shot himself in the head with his right-hand. Sherlock claims that Van Coon was left-handed. Everything he points out though seems pretty obvious. A lot of the stuff in Van Coon's apartment accommodates someone who is left-handed. I didn't find myself being impressed with Sherlock's deductions, I find myself wondering why the police didn't notice this.
John Watson is probably the best thing about this episode, he gets the most laughs, because he has the best one-liners.
Soo Lin, one of the other victims of The Black Lotus, has a sad back story and a sad ending. She tells Sherlock and John about her hard childhood in China, how she and her brother had to work for The Black Lotus, so that they wouldn't starve. After she escaped that life, she got a good job in England and was happy. After she refuses to help her brother, who is still working for The Black Lotus, he threatens her. When her brother comes to kill her, they share a moment. In that small moment before we hear the gunshot, you feel the heaviness of the situation, and the love they have for each other.
In this episode we also see that Sherlock will use people to get what he wants. Sherlock needs to see two bodies, to make a point to a detective. So Sherlock goes to Molly Hooper who works in the morgue. Now Molly has a huge crush on Sherlock and Sherlock knows this, and he uses it to his advantage. Sherlock asks to see the bodies, but Molly says that the paperwork is already done, so he can't see them. Sherlock not liking this answer flirts with Molly, so she will change her mind. Molly does and shows Sherlock the bodies. 
This scene shows us that Sherlock doesn't care that he used Molly and played with her feelings. Sherlock just cares about the case and not the people he steps on to do so.
One of the only other scenes that stands out to me in this episode is the last one. Its really chilling and a perfect set up for James Moriarty.  It makes me a bit afraid, and it shows the audience that Moriarty is a serious threat.
It shows the leader of The Black Lotus talking to Moriarty on the computer, she can't see him; his words are coming up on the computer screen, but he can see her. She assures Moriarty that Sherlock will not get any information about him from them. Moriarty agree's. Then we see a red dot appear on her forehead. Then the screen goes to black, and we hear a gun shot.
This is a fun episode, but like I said at the beginning there really isn't a lot to say about this episode. Except for a few scenes, nothing about this episode stands out.
All in all I give The Blind Banker 7/10

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