Saturday, January 21, 2017

Sherlock Season 2 Episode 2 "The Hounds of Bakerville"

This episode of Sherlock is just kinda eh, its just kinda there, and I don't feel like there is anything really remarkable about it. 
Anyways let's get to the things in this episode that are worth talking about.
There are some good things about this episode, the beginning with Sherlock going through case withdrawals, is very funny, and it really shows us that Sherlock is a junkie when it comes to cases. Seeing John being so tried of Sherlock acting like this is great. You get the feeling by how John is acting that this is probably a regular occurrence at Baker Street.
The case is ok. It, much like this episode is nothing spectacular.  The client Henry Knight, believes he saw his father be murdered by a giant dog when he was a child. Throughout the episode Henry starts to go insane, because he is being poisoned by the fog, that is released by pressure plates underground the ground, were he saw his father die, and were he frequently visit.
It is revealed that his father's friend, Bob Frankland, who works at Bakervilles military base, was the one who murdered him, because Henry's father found out that he is trying to reuse a very dangerous drug, that makes people extremely violent. However Frankland ends up killing himself before he can be brought to justice. I get why they had him kill himself, to show that even if Sherlock does solve the case, that doesn't always mean that he will win. However it would have been nice to see this man who hurt who knows how many people with that horrible drug, get what he deserves.
The scene of Sherlock being scared after he see's the hound, is a great scene. It shows us that Sherlock has emotions; however I think by this time we all knew that Sherlock had emotions, he just chooses not to show them. Its an extremely well acted scene, and it is nice to see the great Sherlock Holmes afraid of something. But the way that they edited this scene, with Sherlock's face being extremely close to the camera with John being farther away just looks weird. Maybe its just me, but I think its an awkward shot, and it takes me out of the episode.
The whole scene of Sherlock telling John that he is his only friend, is nice, but we already knew that they were bff's. John is just being stupid, I know he was hurt when Sherlock told him that he didn't have any friends, but seriously? Sherlock told him that after he had just seen the hound. Sherlock was terrified! The man was scared and he was being extremely defense in that scene, so why would John take anything Sherlock said seriously. He could see that Sherlock was not himself. It wasn't necessary for the writers to put this in here, we all knew that they are bff's, we didn't need them to spell it out for us.
A fun fact about this episode, the reason why Sherlock forgetting Lestrade's first name is an on going gag in the show, is because in the books written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Lestrade's name was just G. Lestrade. We never learn what it is in the books, and that's why Sherlock can never remember it.
Overall this is an ok episode, it is entertaining but not the greatest episode ever. You could skip this episode and not miss a thing. I give this episode 6/10 

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