Monday, February 20, 2017

Sherlock Season 3 Episode 1 "The Empty Hearse"

The episode shows us how Sherlock faked his death. Its a very James Bond opening. Sherlock jumps off of Barts with a bungee cord, and comes crashing through a window, snogs Molly Hooper, then walks off in all his slow motion glory. The body John saw on the ground was Moriarty with a Sherlock mask on.
Just kidding, its a crazy theory Anderson has made-up, because he feels responsible for Sherlock's suicide. 
Also, since Sherlock's suicide the police investigation has proven that Sherlock was innocent and Moriarty was the guilty party.
Sherlock is in Siberia and is being beaten for information. Sherlock deduces that his tormentors wife is having an affair, which makes his tormentor leave. The man who was watching Sherlock be beaten was Mycroft, who went undercover. He tells Sherlock that London needs him, because an underground terrorist attack could happen anytime.
We learn that Sherlock these last two years has been destroying Moriarty's network.
John visits Mrs. Hudson, who he has not seen in quiet sometime. John tells her and the audience, that he has met someone and he is going to propose to her.
Sherlock learns from Mycroft that John has reservations at a restaurant that evening. Why not visit John at his house? Because Sherlock had to have his Batman moment standing on top of a building looking at London.
Sherlock goes to the restaurant and disguises himself as a waiter and interrupts John's proposal to Mary. John of course is furious and beats Sherlock up.
I don't understand why Sherlock choose such a public place to tell John that he was alive, since later on Sherlock tells John that he doesn't want people to know he is alive yet. Sherlock tells John he didn't tell him he was alive because he thought he would blab about it. What did he think John was going to do? Go on national television and tell everyone that Sherlock was alive. If Sherlock had told John that people had to believe he was dead, John would have kept his mouth shut to protect his best friend. Maybe Sherlock was afraid that John would want to come with him. But John could handle himself he was a soldier, and we have seen him hold his own. Sure Sherlock has had to save John before, but John has also saved Sherlock.
I feel bad for John, Sherlock and Mary are basically saying that John is overreacting for being mad at Sherlock. John is acting like anyone else would act.
After being beat-up by John, we see Sherlock visit his other friends, Molly, Lestrade, and lastly Mrs. Hudson. I never understood why he went to Molly after he saw John. Molly helped him fake his death, she knew he was alive, why not go to Lestrade and Mrs. Hudson first since they thought he was dead.
We see Sherlock trying to figure out who the terrorist is, by using his homeless network.
Sherlock needing an assistant, since John won't talk to him, asks Molly to help him. They solve a bunch of small cases together. I really like these scenes, because it shows their friendship, you can tell that they are having fun, and enjoying each other's company. Molly much like John is impressed with Sherlock's deductions. However when they are solving cases Sherlock is hearing John's voice in his head making negative comments. I believe this shows us that 
even though he and Molly work well together he would rather be working with John. Also I wouldn't be surprised if its also the guilt he feels for hurting John.
The last case Sherlock and Molly work on, is for a man who works for the train stations,  he looks at there security camera's footage. He shows Sherlock and Molly a man who gets on the train into a carriage, then at the next stop the man is gone. He couldn't have jump off anywhere he just simply disappeared. After that Sherlock and Molly start leaving the client's flat, when Molly asks Sherlock what this day was about. Sherlock tells her this.
Molly tells Sherlock that she is engaged. Sherlock tells her that she deserves to be happy. He kisses her on the cheek, and then leaves. We then see them walking in opposite directions.
This is a very sweet moment for Sherlock and Molly. Sherlock again tells Molly that she matters to him, and he even showed her that by spending the day with her. He thanks her, and wishes her happiness in her relationship. Sherlock has grown, he is showing Molly the respect she deserves. I don't know if they did this on purpose, but this scene feels like they are breaking up, even though they have never been a couple. That's just how the actors play this scene.
John is on his way to visit Sherlock after work, but he gets drugged and put into a bonfire.
Mary gets a skip code text, and goes to Sherlock for help. Sherlock realizing that John is in trouble, runs into the street and borrows a motorbike, with Mary.
While Sherlock and Mary are going to the church where the bonfire is located, Mary keeps reserving texts from the person that kidnapped John, saying things like, they are running out of time.
Sherlock and Mary get there just after the group has set the bonfire on fire. Sherlock is able to pull John out in time.
The next day I assume, John visits Sherlock to find out who threw him into the bonfire, and why. Sherlock tells John that he does not know.
They then start talking about the terrorist attack that is going to happen, and how one of Sherlock's rat's as he calls them, is the same man in the train video; Moran is his name. Sherlock finally figures out that Mycroft's agent didn't mean that it was an underground network terrorist group, he meant a literal underground network. Sherlock states that seven carriages leave from Westminster and only six carriages make it to St. James's Park. Now I know Sherlock said he missed what was right in front of him, but I feel like he should have noticed the first time he saw the train video, that one of the carriages was missing.
Sherlock skype's the client who gave him the case, and he tells Sherlock that they have railways underground Parliament that are not being used. They believe Moran planted a bomb on the missing carriage. While they are on their way to find the carriage, John keeps telling Sherlock that they need to call the police, but Sherlock responds in the negative. After they find the carriage, they discover that Moran didn't plant a bomb on the carriage he made the carriage the bomb, that would completely destroy Parliament.
After they discover that Moran made the carriage the bomb, Moran sets it off from his hotel room. Sherlock tries to stop the bomb, and he tells John that he doesn't know how. Sherlock begs John to forgive him. John not believing Sherlock at first says that Sherlock is trying to trick him, to make him forgive Sherlock. Sherlock tells John that he is not lying. John forgives Sherlock and prepares to be blown up.
Then for some strange reason it cuts to Sherlock telling Anderson how he faked his death. Using the kidnapper Moriarty had hired, and then killed in the last episode, as the body John see's on the ground. Sherlock landed on an airbag, then got blood applied to his face. Sherlock put a squash ball under his armpit, because if you put enough pressure on it, you can get rid of your pulse.
It has been confirmed by the writer's that this is actually how Sherlock faked his death. Basically Sherlock was very lucky that John didn't move, and that everything went according to plan. I however like this theory better, it makes more sense to me.
It then cuts back to John still preparing to blow up, Sherlock then starts laughing. Sherlock was able to turn the bomb off, because there was switch, and he called the police before they left. I think Sherlock lying to John was extremely cruel. He made John think that he was going to die, and that he would never see Mary again. He did all of that to him, just to make John forgive him. John would have forgiven Sherlock, but Sherlock being selfish wanted John to forgive him now, so he manipulated the situation, so that he would get what he wants. Sherlock is very cruel in this scene, and I feel very bad for John Watson.
Moran also got arrested, the episode doesn't focus on it at all so neither will I.
The episode ends with a man, we have no idea who, watching a video of Sherlock saving John from the bonfire. We only see his eyes, but we know that whoever this is, has set their eyes on Sherlock.
This episode is interesting to say the least, and not in a good way. Sherlock is not really likable in this episode, not saying that he doesn't have some nice moments in this story. Sherlock is very selfish in this episode, he does not give John the time he needs to heal from being lied to, and he forces John to forgive him. Also Sherlock just putting John down for being upset that he didn't know Sherlock was alive, and telling John that he was overreacting. He doesn't care about how John feels, just how he feels. 
Also why was Moran a terrorist? What was his motivation? Sherlock says that he has been working with North Korea since 1996, but what is this guys story? What made him do this? This is the bad guy for the episode, and he never talks, he and Sherlock never meet. We have no idea why he is doing this other then the writer's being like "Oh, he is the bad guy, that's all you need to know."
We go from someone like Moriarty to Moran. We knew why Moriarty was doing these horrible things, we knew what his motivation was. Moran was completely and totally underwhelming, and forgettable.
I have seen other people mention this and I agree, that all of season three of Sherlock feels like Doctor Who. Not that Sherlock is fighting aliens, or running around with a sonic screwdriver, but that it has become silly and goofy, which is what Doctor Who has become under Steven Moffat. I don't want to be watching Sherlock feeling like I am watching Doctor Who, I want to feel like I am watching Sherlock.
Also Sherlock usually makes me laugh, it is a very clever and funny show without trying to hard, I did not laugh at all watching this episode.
Also they focus way too much on the character's and not enough on the mystery. They focus so much on the character's that the mystery gets overlooked. I'm not saying that they should totally just focus on the mystery, but when I watch Sherlock I want to solve a case with Sherlock Holmes, and Dr. John Watson, not watch Sherlock play operation with Mycroft. In the first two seasons I believe they had a perfect balance between character's and mystery.
I give "The Empty Hearse" 4/10

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