Sunday, July 16, 2017

Doctor Who and our new Doctor.

So today it was announced that the 13th Doctor is going to be Jodie Whittaker, the first woman to ever play the Doctor.
Now when it was announced I wasn't too surprised. Doctor Who has been testing the water's for awhile now, to see how the fans react to a male Timelord regenerating into a woman.
At first I couldn't wrap my mind around it. The Doctor is a man. However I wasn't against a woman playing the Doctor, as long as she was the best person for the role.
Now Chris Chibnall, the new showrunner of Doctor Who, said that he wanted a female Doctor.
I do have high hopes for the next season, since Chris Chibnall also wrote Broadchurch. Jodie Whittaker has also been in Broadchurch, and I liked her in that.
I do hope however that since the Doctor is now a woman, that instead of a female companion, we have a male companion. Yes the Doctor has had male companion's in the past, but the Doctor has had more female companions.
I also just want a male companion, because I think it would be a good balance. Whereas when the Doctor was a man, and had his female companions they created a good balance and contrast.
I feel like it could be too much with two women in it. Or it could be great. I also hope they give Jodie more then one companion.
I have read some of the comments on social media, and you have the fans who say they are no longer going to watch the show. Then you have the fans who are really happy, and call the other fans who don't like a female Doctor sexist..........even though some of them are women.
Honestly whovian's let's give Jodie Whittaker a chance.
The only thing that wouldn't make me like her is if she is too politically correct, talks about how she is a woman all the time, or if she better then all of her male past selves. 
Though I don't think Chibnall will do that, because there really isn't any pc in Broadchurch.
I'm also hoping that the Doctor will actually act like a woman. I'm wondering if they will make the Doctor more sensitive to people's feelings, and just people in general.
I hope they do, because it would be great parallel to see the same thing that happened to Missy this last season, happen to the Doctor next season.
Also this last season of Doctor Who did not do well in ratings, so maybe Jodie Whittaker is what Doctor Who needs. A breath of fresh air.
I can't wait to see the Christmas Special where we will get our first glimpse of our new Doctor, Jodie Whittaker.

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